The PTA will be sponsoring a reading contest at Fox Hollow! The contest will kick-off on Monday February 6th and go through March 17th! We are so excited to see the minutes that our students read add up!
School Goal
750,000 minutes
Student Goal
K-3 850 min.
4-6 1050 min.
Top Class
Pizza Party!
Student Rewards
10 days of reading: Restaurant Reward Certificate
20 Days of Reading: Book Mark
30 days of reading: Restaurant Reward Certificate
40 days of reading: Silicone Bracelet
Meet Goal: Name in Drawing for a Bike!
Pack of Gum!
If the school meets their goal
Assembly with a Special Visitor!!!
Their will also be prizes for the top reader in each class!
Parents, please watch for the tracking sheets to come home this next week. As you student reads, have them color in a gumball and parents initial. Please send the tracking sheets back on Fridays so that the PTA can tabulate the minutes read!